Another milestone first: The Wing’s Audrey Gelman is the first visibly pregnant woman to grace the cover of a business publication.
To make real progress on closing the gender gap in VC funding, more women are getting into the business of funding other women.
GingerBread Capital is one of about 70 venture funds around the world that have collectively raised about $2 billion to support fast-growth companies led by women, according to Inc. Magazine. While still a miniscule fraction of the $100+ billion in VC funds invested annually in companies overall, it’s a start.
Part of GBC’s mission is to encourage other women, including those who run successful businesses, to make investments in the next generation of women founders –and the earlier the better, as GBC founder & CEO Linnea Roberts recently told Inc.’s editor at large Kimberly Weisul @weisul.
“I tell my founders, ‘My goal for you is simple. I want you to get rich, and I want you to put it back into the system.‘ “
Read the full article in Inc.’s October 2019 issue.